Welcome and thanks for stumbling upon…
Kickball is our bread-and-butter and is the reason MUSA exists, but throughout the year we like to offer a wider range of co-ed recreational sports. Check out the links below for further specifics & new team information. Or if you want to learn more about MUSA, in general, we invite you to our about MUSA page.

Why play MUSA?
For over 15 years, MUSA has provided quality leagues to Milwaukee and the Midwest. Our goal is to provide well-run leagues at a great value to the players. We have always strived to be more than just another league though so there are lots of other value-added events like our season-ending Golden Lunchbox tournies in the spring and fall as well as other events to help you get to know others in the MUSA family.
Who are we?
For over twenty years, the Midwest Unconventional Sports Association (MUSA) has provided quality leagues to Minneapolis, Milwaukee and the Midwest. Our goal is to add fun, competition, and maybe some drinking to your week. Events like End of Season tournaments, Golden Lunchbox tournaments, Premium Draft Season, Tournament Selection Show, and End of Season party make us more than just another league, it’s an experience. And it’s these same experiences that make it easy for you to get to know others in the MUSA family.
When are your seasons and what fields do you play at?
MUSA generally runs kickball leagues year around utilizing a variety of fields and facilities, generally in the Tosa/Miller Park vicinity, East Side and Bay View.
Our seasons (and notes):
Spring– starts late March/early April through mid-June (roughly 70-80 teams in Milwaukee. Top teams vie for Golden Lunchbox)
Summer– mid June through late August (50+ teams due to field limitations so sign up ASAP for this session)
Fall– late August through late August (70-80 teams, winners play for Golden Lunchbox)
* These are the start dates so keep an eye on the site for registration roughly a month or two before the start date.
Are there minimum male/female requirements?
MUSA kickball is a coed league so there is a minimum of 4 females and 4 males on the field for a game or the team plays short. A full listing of our rules can be found here.
What kind of skill does my team need?
None at all. MUSA kickball teams range from the very good… to the very bad and everything in between. That’s what makes kickball so great. MUSA rules allow for a more casual approach to the game and in the end, we hope that no matter win or lose, you had a fun time playing.
How many players should I have on a roster?
There are differing philosophies here, just like the division split. Some teams look to put together that tight knit squad where everybody can make it week in, week out and wants their at kicks. Others are more focused on assembling an army of thirsty goons to take on the local bars pitcher race. Any way you slice it, its all good. Typically, with 11 on the field, roster size can range from 11-20. Factors include reliability of players, desire for on field continuity and necessity for wingmen/women at post games.
Is my game rained out and how do I find out?
So, you’re sitting at work and you look outside. It’s raining … now what? Your big kickball game is tonight and you start to wonder what the status of it is. Look below for the list of ways you can find out what’s going on.
Twitter & Facebook – This is probably the fastest and first thing we update.
I will also send an email to captains, plus the field monitors will be notified and they will try and either email or text the captains.
At the bottom of every printable schedule from the Milwaukee Kickball page there is a hotline phone number. If you still haven’t heard or don’t have internet access at work go ahead and call 414-604-6872. Please do so after 5pm though.
If none of these are updated with current information, it means games are still on and/or we haven’t gotten any updates from MPS yet. No worries, they usually tell us around 4pm and we then begin updating the items above if things have changed.
If games have started playing and the weather turns on us, field monitors are instructed to call/text me first so I can update items above, then call captains.
We do our best to get you the info as fast as we can, so if you are on Facebook or Twitter we encourage you to Like/Follow Us. Otherwise just check the website in the many options we have. Thanks everyone and we hope that you don’t have to use any of these too often throughout the season.
Need more info?